Purchasing a home is a major endeavor. Potential homebuyers should carefully review their personal finances and understand what mortgage lenders are looking for in applicants. Understanding the following four numbers is critical to obtaining a mortgage. Credit Score A...
Can you change your mortgage loan servicer? The easy answer is no. You’ll have no real control over where your loan might end up. Upon closing a loan, the lender can sell that loan to another company. It’s common that they do, and they don’t...
Though retirees may want to finish off paying their mortgage before retirement, it’s not always the best option to take. Here are a few factors they should consider before making a final financial decision. Downsizing As people retire, they may want to...
Though homeowners insurance is a good thing to have—and, for some places, a necessity to have before owning or renting a home in the first place—no one truly wants to use it. If you need to use your insurance plan, then something happened that damaged your home to the...
The cost of homeowners insurance can vary from insurance company to insurance company, sometimes by hundreds of dollars. That few hundred dollars can make or break the bank, especially if you’re financially down on your luck. Before settling down for one homeowners...