Crucial Numbers to Know Before Buying a Home

Crucial Numbers to Know Before Buying a Home

Purchasing a home is a major endeavor. Potential homebuyers should carefully review their personal finances and understand what mortgage lenders are looking for in applicants. Understanding the following four numbers is critical to obtaining a mortgage. Credit Score A...
Is It Possible to Change Mortgage Loan Servicers?

Is It Possible to Change Mortgage Loan Servicers?

Can you change your mortgage loan servicer? The easy answer is no. You’ll have no real control over where your loan might end up.   Upon closing a loan, the lender can sell that loan to another company. It’s common that they do, and they don’t...
Investing in Real Estate Stocks

Investing in Real Estate Stocks

Real estate and stocks are two of the most popular choices for investors. Real estate tends to offer a more reliable income, while stocks produce the most potential growth over time. Stocks are known for being an investment option that you can use even if you’re...
What to Consider Before Buying a Waterfront Property

What to Consider Before Buying a Waterfront Property

Waterfront properties are not only beautiful but also have the touch and feel of taking a vacation. You can categorize them among high-end homes that fetch a high price; hence you should be prepared for the costs. The cost notwithstanding, owning a waterfront property...